Earth-One After the Crisis Archives
The stories found here deal with what happened on Earth-1 after the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths and come from the Earth-One After the Crisis board at the Five Earths Forum. They focus on the JLA, the Legion of Super-Heroes, the New Teen Titans, and other characters published by DC Comics. New but familiar characters have also been introduced along the way. See the Timeline of Earth-1 for more information on Earth-1’s history and characters.
You can read the stories here in three different ways: by character titles, by chronological order, or by author. All new published stories will be promoted on the Five Earths Project website. You can receive all new stories from this section through Google Reader by subscribing to the Earth-1 RSS feed.
Earth-1 Reading Order
Earth-1: Times Past
Earth-1: 1985 chronology (July to December)
Earth-1: 1986 chronology (January to June)
Earth-1: 1986 chronology (July to December)
Earth-1: 1987 chronology (January to June)
Earth-1: 1987 chronology (July to December)
Earth-1: 1988 chronology
Earth-1: Future Tales
Earth-1 Titles
Anthology Stories DC Comics FanFiction: House of Mystery, House of Secrets, Plop!, Mystery in Space, Strange Adventures, Weird War Tales, Our Army at War
Aquaman of Earth-1 FanFiction: Aqualad, Mera, Aquaboy, Atlantis
Batman Family of Earth-1 FanFiction: Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Batwoman, Catwoman, Birds of Prey, Secret Six, Spoiler, Tales of Gotham City
Forgotten Heroes of Earth-1 FanFiction: Captain Comet, Plastic Man, TNT and Dynamite, Animal Man, Rehab Squad, Zatara, Sargon the Sorcerer, Force of July, Manhunter
Genres of Earth-1 DC Comics FanFiction: Adventure, Fantasy, Detective, Western, War, Romance, Challengers of the Unknown, Rip Hunter, Warlord, Amethyst, Arion, Sea Devils, Human Target, Jonny Double, Kong the Untamed
Global Guardians of Earth-1 FanFiction: Conglomerate, Paladins, Les Defenseurs, Bushrangers, Rocket Red Brigade, Manhunter, International Heroes
Green Arrow of Earth-1 FanFiction: Black Canary, Arsenal, Onyx
Green Lantern of Earth-1 FanFiction: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps, Darkstars, Air Wave
Independent Heroes of Earth-1 DC Comics FanFiction: Metal Men, Outsiders, Doom Patrol, the Creeper, Starman, Dial H for HERO
Justice League of America FanFiction: JLA, Hawkman and Hawkwoman, the Atom, Firestorm, Red Tornado, Zatanna, Steel
Legion of Super-Heroes FanFiction: Legionnaires, The Wanderers, Heroes of Lallor
Science Fiction of Earth-1 DC Comics FanFiction: New Gods, Omega Men, Adam Strange, Lobo, LEGION, Super-Stars of Space
Superman Family of Earth-1 FanFiction: Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, Superwoman, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Krypto the Superdog, World of New Krypton, Tales of the Bizarro World, Blue Devil, Ambush Bug
Teamups and Crossovers of Earth-1 DC Comics FanFiction
The Flash of Earth-1 FanFiction: Elongated Man, Kid Flash, Polara, Argus
Titans FanFiction: Teen Titans, New Teen Titans, New Titans, Titans West, Young Heroes
Vertigo FanFiction: Swamp Thing, Hellblazer, Phantom Stranger, Deadman, Etrigan the Demon, Books of Magic, Night Force, El Diablo, Madame Xanadu
Villains of Earth-1 DC Comics FanFiction: Secret Society of Super-Villains, Task Force X, Suicide Squad, The Joker, Lex Luthor
Wonder Woman Family of Earth-1 FanFiction: Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Nubia, Artemis, Queen Hippolyta, Wonder Tot, Princess Diana, Amazons, Wonder Family
Latest Earth-1 Stories
- Secret Origins: The Golden Pharaoh: The Lost Scrolls of Alexandria
- Superboy: 1967: Delusions of Grandeur
- Mystery in Space: The Breakthrough
- Batman: Future Tales, 2045: And in the End…
- Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter: The Queen of Mars
- The Flash: Dawn
- Men of War: 1914: A Christmas Eve Memory
- All-American Men of War: This Old Man
- Batman: Season of Hope
- Showcase: The Sword of Don Juan
- Superman Family: Naughty or Nice
- Jonah Hex and Scalphunter: 1877: Full Moon Bounty
- Tales of the Bizarro World: Satan Baby
- Wonder Woman: Peace on Earth
- Super-Stars of Space: Radea and Vaalor: Mind Over Machine