by Libbylawrence J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter, has held on to a secret for decades, one that threatens to shatter not only his relationships, but the Earth itself! When that secret is finally revealed by an enemy, the Justice League of America must swing into action to uncover a vast Martian conspiracy before it can doom the world! But how can the JLA fight super-powerful foes who can effortlessly impersonate anyone? Guest starring the New Titans and the Outsiders, and featuring the final fate of Captain Comet!
by Libbylawrence When Halo is kidnapped by the notorious Doctor Light and his new allies, the Outsiders find themselves in a battle against powerful foes in the Light Brigade! But when Doctor Light attempts to take Halo’s powers for his own, has he bitten off more than he can chew?
by Libbylawrence Out of nowhere, new costumed figures suddenly appear, attacking several heroes. Are the Mighty Crusaders heroes, villains, or something more bizarre? Starring the Justice League of America, the Forgotten Heroes, the Outsiders, the Doom Patrol, and the New Titans!
by Immortalwildcat When Jefferson Pierce starts teaching at a new school, he finds one student is more than he appears. Black Lightning must call in the newest member of the Outsiders, Celsius, for help. Introducing Cold Shoulder!
by Immortalwildcat, Martin Maenza, Starsky Hutch 76 and Brian K. Asbury In the aftermath of the Invasion, life begins to return to normal. But is it business as usual, or have things really changed? Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Doc Quantum, Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat and Starsky Hutch 76 A battle on three fronts! Pluto is raided to free the prisoners! Warworld is assaulted by an army of Earth’s heroes and villains! And Oa is stormed by the Green Lantern Corps and the Darkstars, only to find the true organizers of the Invasion! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat, Starsky Hutch 76, Libbylawrence, and Brian K. Asbury, with Doc Quantum The Earth is under attack by an Alien Alliance, as are many of its allies! Across the globe and across the stars, the champions fight hard against the might of these alien invasion forces! And like all wars, there are casualties! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat, Doc Quantum, Brian K. Asbury and Starsky Hutch 76 It was a plan years in the making. An Alien Alliance would finally succeed in invading and subduing the Earth, once and for all. But such a plan could only come about after the downfall of the Green Lantern Corps. Who has the power to strike a crippling blow to the universe’s police force? And as alien invaders come together to focus on the Earth, no one is safe as disaster looms at every turn! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Immortalwildcat Changes are in the winter air for the Outsiders as the team establishes its independence from Batman by relocating from Gotham City to Cincinnati. Their move to a new city in the Midwest should go smoothly, right? But what they find in their new home turns out to be a royal pain, as they are attacked by super-villains and blamed for the resulting destruction by the police! Just who is the man pulling all the strings?
by JSAGL With the Conglomerate in disarray, a white knight swoops in to give the team a second chance by giving them a new headquarters — the Bunker in Detroit formerly used by the Justice League! But when the team finds itself down to just four members, how can they carry on, especially when the Injustice League comes knocking on their door? Meanwhile, Catherine Cobert is aggressively building a new international team of her own, but how will this affect the Conglomerate? Introducing Booster Gold, and guest starring the Justice League of America!
by Martin Maenza, adapted and expanded from Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-10 by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez As the remaining Earths begin to merge together, Brainiac and Lex Luthor of Earth-One have a plan to take them all! With an army of super-villains gathered from all five Earths, they mount a carefully planned invasion of Earth-Four, Earth-S, and Earth-X, swiftly defeating those worlds’ heroes. An army of super-heroes from Earth-One and Earth-Two soon arrive to free the other three Earths, but with the numbers favoring the villains, can the heroes rally to beat the odds? Guest starring the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, the New Teen Titans, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Doom Patrol, the Marvel Family, the Freedom Fighters, and the Sentinels of Justice!
by Libbylawrence When an old foe of Batman’s called the Schemer uses a group of selected super-villains to duplicate the Outsiders’ powers, the members of Batman’s team are soon branded as public enemies! Even worse, the Schemer has a powerful pawn at his disposal in the alien hero called Volar! Will the Schemer’s failing to heed a fortune-teller’s warning prove his undoing?
by Libbylawrence The Earth is menaced when the living star called Aquarius attempts to devour the Sun, and only one hero can stop him — Starman! But as Will Payton risks his life to save the world, he must do so while confronting the mysterious changes to his powers he has undergone of late. Can Superman provide the assistance he needs, or must Starman go it alone?
by Libbylawrence Hawkwoman wakes up in a perfect world, but is that such a bad thing when everyone’s greatest wishes have come true? When the whole world is merely dreaming such a paradise, those dreams can be disastrous! Can the Pinioned Princess discover the truth behind the worldwide sleeping syndrome before the world dreams itself to death? Featuring several guest stars!