by Martin Maenza A discovery on Pluto leads the Legion of Substitute Heroes and guest star Cosmic Boy to face a strange and tragic menace from a thousand years in the past! But will Prometheus of the Hybrid end up being a hero or a villain in this new era?
by Immortalwildcat, Martin Maenza, Starsky Hutch 76 and Brian K. Asbury In the aftermath of the Invasion, life begins to return to normal. But is it business as usual, or have things really changed? Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Doc Quantum, Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat and Starsky Hutch 76 A battle on three fronts! Pluto is raided to free the prisoners! Warworld is assaulted by an army of Earth’s heroes and villains! And Oa is stormed by the Green Lantern Corps and the Darkstars, only to find the true organizers of the Invasion! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by HarveyKent In the aftermath of the Invasion, the Justice League of America guards the Man of Steel as he recuperates from his injuries at STAR Labs! When word of this gets out, who can protect him from the myriad of villains seeking to take advantage of his weakened state? Darned near everybody, that’s who! Guest starring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Brian K. Asbury Vril Dox and a small band of hired specialists take on Lex Luthor and Garguax on the Moon to rescue Stealth and save Colu from the Alien Alliance! But for what reason does Dox want Luthor? And who is the mysterious Phase? Introducing LEGION — Licensed Extra-Governmental Interstellar Operatives Network!
by Goose Gansler, Libbylawrence, Doc Quantum and Immortalwildcat Across the Earth and across the galaxy, the effects of the Invasion hit home, sometimes with great sadness, and sometimes in strange and beautiful ways. These are the lost chapters of the Invasion!
by Starsky Hutch 76 As the heroes of France fight off the aliens who have invaded their proud nation, Dupin of Department Gamma proposes to unite them as a single unit! But will Le Fantom’s thirst for revenge upon the invaders prove to be troublesome? Featuring the Musketeer, the Crimson Fox, the Phantom of France, Manhunter, Fleur-de-Lis, Azrael, and the Gargoyle — together known as Les Défenseurs!
by Immortalwildcat Batwoman and Robin encounter two new heroes, Prototype and Fear Factor, who have a plan to deal with the alien invaders in Gotham City. But how will a paltry four heroes — two veterans and two rookies — overtake the Alien Alliance’s primary command post for the East Coast? And just what is Fear Factor’s secret?
by Starsky Hutch 76 Superman answers a distress call from his people, who have been attacked by the Alien Alliance invasion forces. But when Superman arrives on the planet Rokyn, will he be prepared to confront a new but familiar version of his old enemy, Brainiac? Introducing the new Green Lantern of Rokyn, Valura Tur-Thol!
by Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat, Starsky Hutch 76, Libbylawrence, and Brian K. Asbury, with Doc Quantum The Earth is under attack by an Alien Alliance, as are many of its allies! Across the globe and across the stars, the champions fight hard against the might of these alien invasion forces! And like all wars, there are casualties! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Libbylawrence The Maid of Steel becomes a target when she is attacked by the Kryptonian Killer himself, the space-pirate Amalak! But when she is saved by another alien predator called the Kraken, is she only going from the frying pan into the fire?
by HarveyKent When Green Arrow’s JLA transporter beam crosses paths with a zeta beam, he is transported to the planet Rann! And he’s just in time to help planetary champion Adam Strange, since the Invasion has reached this world as well! But by some cosmic coincidence, one of Green Arrow’s oldest enemies is part of the Alien Alliance invasion force — and he’s gunning for G.A.!
by Libbylawrence When Starman sets out to try to find Snapper Carr, one of several people gone missing during the invasion, he finds himself instead on the fabled Throneworld, home of a fallen space champion called Starman! Moreover, he also discovers that everything he thought he knew about himself may be wrong! Is it possible that Will Payton has somehow been Prince Gavyn all this time?