by Starsky Hutch 76 Apokolips, home of the poverty-stricken Hunger Dogs and their ruthless lord and master Darkseid, is hardly a natural setting for a Christmas tale. But when the youngest son of Darkseid learns of Christmas, his innocently joyful embrace of the Yuletide season causes others to subtly challenge Darkseid’s rule. Is the answer sending the boy to be browbeaten at Granny Goodness’ orphanage, or is there another solution?
by Martin Maenza A discovery on Pluto leads the Legion of Substitute Heroes and guest star Cosmic Boy to face a strange and tragic menace from a thousand years in the past! But will Prometheus of the Hybrid end up being a hero or a villain in this new era?
by Doc Quantum, Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat and Starsky Hutch 76 A battle on three fronts! Pluto is raided to free the prisoners! Warworld is assaulted by an army of Earth’s heroes and villains! And Oa is stormed by the Green Lantern Corps and the Darkstars, only to find the true organizers of the Invasion! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Starsky Hutch 76 On the anniversary of Supergirl’s arrival on Earth, her widower Salkor shares a startling secret with Superman when he brings to Earth a very special child named Jasma. But when the Superman Family has a reunion to honor Kara Zor-El’s memory, are they prepared for other, much darker secrets to be dredged up? Guest starring Superwoman, Supergirl II, Valor, and Powergirl! Also featuring Darkseid and the Female Furies!