by Libbylawrence Out of nowhere, new costumed figures suddenly appear, attacking several heroes. Are the Mighty Crusaders heroes, villains, or something more bizarre? Starring the Justice League of America, the Forgotten Heroes, the Outsiders, the Doom Patrol, and the New Titans!
by Libbylawrence Alexander Luthor and his assistant Brainiac have invented a weapon that has the power to defeat the Crime Syndicate once and for all. But even with all of the Syndicate’s powers at its disposal, can the synthezoid known as Amazo finally bring freedom to Earth-Three? And how can Luthor avoid the deadly fate that his precognitive sister Lena has predicted will happen to him?
by Libbylawrence, with Doc Quantum With the Justice League in shambles and the Teen Titans in fragments following the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, who can protect the world from extraordinary menaces? Captain Comet is tapped to lead just such a super-team, but with its membership comprising not only new and inexperienced heroes but also villains seeking rehabilitation, he’s got his work cut out for him! And as if a sinister plot to destroy Superman was not enough, Captain Comet’s Rehab Squad also uncovers a massive conspiracy to mind-control the world’s business leaders! Introducing Starman and the Crimson Fox, and guest starring Batman and the Outsiders!