by Libbylawrence Looking into the case of a missing person who was also a rejected Legion applicant leads Sun Boy to solve another mystery entirely! But as he looks more deeply, he ends up discovering an enemy from his past who is a very real threat, not only to Metropolis but to the entire world!
by Libbylawrence Colossal Boy’s father shares a bittersweet reunion with his old comrades from his old U.P. Space Fleet ship, the Explorer, when they realize that someone is trying to kill them all, one by one! And Brainiac 5 investigates an anomaly at a prison in Antarctica that proves to be a very dangerous situation! But it will be two simple amulets of very different origins that ultimately lead the Legionnaires to solve these pair of mysteries.
by Libbylawrence The Dark Circle returns from a long period of dormancy to strike again! But as they begin using germ warfare, can the Legion of Super-Heroes stop them in time to prevent plagues and death on a massive scale? And are the Legionnaires being distracted from the real threat? Guest starring Dev-Em!
by Libbylawrence It’s a race against time as the Legion of Super-Heroes tries to learn how an odd theft of soil-digging machines could threaten the freedom of Earth! Meanwhile, Saturn Girl returns to the team to take over for the injured Tellus. And just who is thwarting Shrinking Violet’s love life? Featuring the return of the Legion’s old foes the Emerald Empress and Modulus, and introducing the new Reflecto!