by Martin Maenza A dead warrior is brought back to life for the purposes of an ancient, evil organization! And when a visitor is assassinated at the Legion Academy, it’s up to the Legion of Super-Heroes to find out who’s behind it! But as they investigate the murder, are they prepared to learn the identity of the assassin? Can they think the unthinkable?
by Libbylawrence When Duo Damsel is abducted by a Carggian master showman and his band of performers, her pupils at the Legion Academy race to rescue her. But after Luornu Durgo Taine is forced to relive all the highs and lows of her life as Triplicate Girl and Duo Damsel, will she escape only to find herself in even worse peril? And can the Legion of Super-Heroes reach her in time to save her from death itself?
by Libbylawrence Brainiac 5 uses a time-viewer to watch the last days of Kara Zor-El, the legendary Supergirl, during the Crisis on Infinite Earths! But when he tries to use a Time Bubble to rescue Supergirl from her death, will a quirk of fate make him the reason another Supergirl from the far future ends up in the 20th century? Meanwhile, what are Timber Wolf and Lightning Lass up to?
by Libbylawrence It’s a race against time as the Legion of Super-Heroes tries to learn how an odd theft of soil-digging machines could threaten the freedom of Earth! Meanwhile, Saturn Girl returns to the team to take over for the injured Tellus. And just who is thwarting Shrinking Violet’s love life? Featuring the return of the Legion’s old foes the Emerald Empress and Modulus, and introducing the new Reflecto!
by Brian K. Asbury A mysterious killer stalks the streets of New Hong Kong, armed with a weapon that transforms his victims into glass, and the Science Police are baffled! But as the Legion of Super-Heroes enters the case, they find themselves outwitted at every turn! Can the Legionnaires figure out a pattern in time to put an end to these murders in glass?