by Libbylawrence As Timber Wolf takes Lightning Lass as his wife, sinister foes try to take the Legionnaires’ very lives when Lightning Lord returns seeking vengeance on the world that rejected him! But as the Legion of Super-Heroes struggles to deal with the apparent return of Validus, it must also contend with a desperate criminal couple from a possible future!
by Libbylawrence The Dark Man has returned and is killing the surviving immortals of the thirtieth century! But is this a mere murder spree, or could it be part of a plan that might threaten the universe itself? And can the Legion of Super-Heroes put a stop to these dark plans even with the help of the Green Lantern Corps? You won’t want to miss this epic showdown between the forces of life and death! Guest starring several long-unseen Legionnaires!
by Libbylawrence Shadow Lass leads the Legion of Super-Heroes to her homeworld of Talok VIII to rescue her cousin and fight for her people. But as the Legionnaires faces a group of super-powered mercenaries and the dreaded demon of the desert in their efforts to protect the city of Ibid-Ganar, will they unwittingly free a dangerous ancient menace from the stars?
by Libbylawrence The annual election for leader of the Legion of Super-Heroes has arrived, but no one except Dream Girl could have foretold the identity of the unlikely winner. Meanwhile, there are changes all around for several members as old business gives way to new.
by Libbylawrence At long last, the curse of Darkseid is brought to light when the Legion of Super-Heroes discovers who Validus really is! But as the Legionnaires battle an old foe they don’t recall ever meeting before and try to redeem a fearsome monster, is an even worse monster slipping out of their grasp?
by Libbylawrence When the whole world turns against the Legion of Super-Heroes, the Legionnaires who manage to evade capture discover that Universo has returned! But now they must find out how the hypnotic villain gained enough power to make the world hate the Legion overnight. Can something in the villain’s past provide a clue? And can even the mysterious and powerful Reflecto help save the team?
by Libbylawrence Brainiac 5 uses a time-viewer to watch the last days of Kara Zor-El, the legendary Supergirl, during the Crisis on Infinite Earths! But when he tries to use a Time Bubble to rescue Supergirl from her death, will a quirk of fate make him the reason another Supergirl from the far future ends up in the 20th century? Meanwhile, what are Timber Wolf and Lightning Lass up to?
by CaptainZammo and Libbylawrence When a few members of the Legion of Substitute Heroes commit a daring robbery, the Legion of Super-Heroes must face the possibility that the Subs have gone bad! However, it soon becomes evident that evil Legionnaires from the parallel universe of Earth-Three have invaded this universe, and they will stop at nothing to get what they want! Can the Legion defeat their ruthless counterparts, even with the help of the heroic counterparts of the Fatal Five? Introducing the Legion of Ultra-Villains and the Faultless Five!