by HarveyKent Hawk is in Star City as bodyguard to an ultra-conservative author, while Green Arrow is publicly endorsing an ultra-liberal politician. When violence erupts in the city, each side blames the other! Can Dove keep the two hot-headed heroes from each other’s throats long enough to find the shadowy mastermind behind the hate crimes?
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
by HarveyKent ,
Dove ,
Green Arrow ,
Hawk ,
teamup on
March 18, 2005 by 5earths .
by Libbylawrence What is going on in Zandia, and how will it have an effect on the rest of the nations of Earth? The East and West Coast teams join together to celebrate Hawk’s birthday only to end up prisoners on Zandia. But just who is their true captor?
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Amanda Waller ,
Arisia ,
Artemis ,
Blackguard ,
Brain ,
Brother Blood ,
Brotherhood of Evil ,
by Libbylawrence ,
Changeling ,
Crimelord ,
Cyborg ,
Despero ,
Doctor Cyber ,
Doctor Destiny ,
Dove ,
Dynamic ,
Dynamo ,
Evil Star ,
Fearsome Five ,
Felix Faust ,
Force of July ,
Gemini ,
Golden Eagle ,
Harlequin ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Houngan ,
Injustice Gang ,
Javelin ,
Jinx ,
Keith Griggs ,
Key ,
Kole Weathers ,
Lady Liberty ,
Lilith Clay ,
Major Victory ,
Mammoth ,
Mayflower ,
Mirage ,
Monsieur Mallah ,
Mother Mayhem ,
Multiplex ,
New Titans ,
Phobia ,
Plasmus ,
Plastique ,
Poison Ivy ,
Protector ,
Psi ,
Quakemaster ,
Rainbow Raider ,
Raven ,
Shimmer ,
Silent Majority ,
Silver Deer ,
Sonar ,
Sparkler ,
T.O. Morrow ,
Task Force X ,
teamup ,
Titans West ,
Tlaca ,
Turtle Man ,
Warp on
September 8, 2004 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza It’s a battle royale in Modora between the Titans West and Sonar’s forces!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Air Wave ,
Andrei Szackas ,
Arisia ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Cassandra De Granaco ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Harlequin ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Sonar ,
Titans West on
November 13, 2003 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza The team heavily debates about taking care of some long unfinished business! But will they be the trappers or the trappees?
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Air Wave ,
Andrei Szackas ,
Arisia ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Cassandra De Granaco ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Harlequin ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Kestrel ,
Oceana ,
Sonar ,
Titans West on
August 4, 2003 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza While one friend returns home from a visit, another arrives! And, on the other side of the country, one of the team suffers a serious loss!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Argent ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Cyborg ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Harlequin ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Lilith Clay ,
Neron ,
Oceana ,
Redwing ,
Sarah Charles ,
Titans West on
April 4, 2003 by 5earths .
by Immortalwildcat, Martin Maenza, Starsky Hutch 76 and Brian K. Asbury In the aftermath of the Invasion, life begins to return to normal. But is it business as usual, or have things really changed? Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Ace ,
Adeline Wilson ,
Air Wave ,
Alfred Pennyworth ,
Alura In-Ze ,
Arisia ,
Batman ,
Batwoman ,
Black Canary ,
Black Lightning ,
Bulldozer ,
by Brian K. Asbury ,
by Immortalwildcat ,
by Martin Maenza ,
by Starsky Hutch 76 ,
Carol Ferris ,
Celsius ,
Ch'p ,
Chivers ,
crossover ,
Deathstroke the Terminator ,
Fear Factor ,
Firestorm ,
Flash ,
Geo-Force ,
Godiva ,
Gorilla Grodd ,
Green Lantern ,
Guy Gardner ,
Halo ,
Hawk ,
Invasion crossover ,
Jasma Kent ,
John Stewart ,
Justice League of America ,
Katana ,
Katma Tui ,
Kilowog ,
Knight ,
Kong ,
Leslie Thompkins ,
Manhunter ,
Martian Manhunter ,
Martin Stein ,
Negative Woman ,
Neutron ,
Outsiders ,
Paladins ,
Phantom of France ,
Robin ,
Rod Reilly ,
Rook ,
Ruby Ryder ,
Rupert Thorne ,
Salaak ,
Silver St. Cloud ,
Squire ,
Supergirl ,
Superman ,
Superwoman ,
Task Force X ,
Tom Kalmaku ,
Tur-Thol ,
Valura Tur-Thol ,
Vixen ,
Windfall ,
Zatanna ,
Zor-El on
March 13, 2003 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza A post-INVASION follow up to the West Coast Titans team, including a pair of rematches with former foes!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Air Wave ,
Andrei Szackas ,
Arisia ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Cassandra De Granaco ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Green Lantern ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Major Force ,
Oceana ,
Sarah Charles ,
Sonar ,
Sudden Death ,
Titans West on
February 14, 2003 by 5earths .
by Doc Quantum, Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat and Starsky Hutch 76 A battle on three fronts! Pluto is raided to free the prisoners! Warworld is assaulted by an army of Earth’s heroes and villains! And Oa is stormed by the Green Lantern Corps and the Darkstars, only to find the true organizers of the Invasion! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Amos Monroe ,
Arsenal ,
Atom ,
B'wana Beast ,
Batman ,
Behemoth ,
Big Barda ,
Black Canary ,
Black Lightning ,
Blossom ,
Bronze Tiger ,
by Doc Quantum ,
by Immortalwildcat ,
by Martin Maenza ,
by Starsky Hutch 76 ,
Carlotta Rivera ,
Ch'p ,
Changeling ,
Christopher Chance the Human Target ,
Cliff Steele ,
comic book adaptation ,
Controllers ,
Cyborg ,
Dalor ,
Darkstars ,
Deadshot ,
Deathstroke the Terminator ,
Dexter Fairfax ,
Doctor Mist ,
Dominators ,
Doom Patrol ,
Dove ,
Element Girl ,
Elongated Man ,
Extreme Justice ,
Firehawk ,
Firestorm ,
Flash ,
Fritz Klein ,
G'nort ,
Geo-Force ,
Gold ,
Gordanians ,
Gorgon ,
Gorilla Grodd ,
Green Arrow ,
Green Lantern ,
Green Lantern Corps ,
Guardians of the Universe ,
Guy Gardner ,
Harpi ,
Harpis ,
Hawk ,
Hawkman ,
Hawkwoman ,
Hollika Rahn ,
Hybrid ,
Hyperman ,
Ice ,
Impala ,
Invasion crossover ,
Iron ,
John Stewart ,
Joker ,
Kalibak ,
Kalista ,
Katana ,
Katma Tui ,
Kilowog ,
Lead ,
Lightray ,
Manhunter ,
Mantis ,
Martian Manhunter ,
Maxima ,
Meadlux ,
Mento ,
Mercury ,
Metal Men ,
Metamorpho ,
Mike Tempest ,
Misa Pomus ,
Mister Miracle ,
Mogo ,
Mongul ,
Moshe Levy ,
new hero ,
New Titans ,
Noleon Fae ,
Odd Man ,
Oho-Besh ,
Omega Men ,
Outsiders ,
Pandora ,
Parademons ,
Penguin ,
Phantom Empire ,
Plastic Man ,
Platinum ,
Primus ,
Procanon Kaa ,
Prometheus ,
Proty ,
Pteradon ,
Qatar Hussein ,
Raven ,
Renegade Controller ,
Ronald Reagan ,
Ryand'r ,
Salaak ,
Sapphire Stagg-Mason ,
Scirocco ,
Snapper Carr ,
Starfire ,
Steel ,
Streaky ,
Supergirl ,
Superman ,
Superwoman ,
Task Force X ,
Thunderlord ,
Tin ,
Touch-N-Go ,
Valura Tur-Thol ,
Vartox ,
Vigilante ,
Wonder Woman ,
Zamarons on
February 5, 2003 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat, Starsky Hutch 76, Libbylawrence, and Brian K. Asbury, with Doc Quantum The Earth is under attack by an Alien Alliance, as are many of its allies! Across the globe and across the stars, the champions fight hard against the might of these alien invasion forces! And like all wars, there are casualties! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Albon ,
Amalak ,
Amanda Waller ,
Amazons ,
Amon Hakk ,
Amos Monroe ,
Aqualad ,
Aquaman ,
Artemis ,
Atom ,
Atomic Knight ,
Batman ,
Big Barda ,
Black Canary ,
Black Hand ,
Black Lightning ,
Blue Devil ,
Boodikka ,
Bowman of Britain ,
Bronze Tiger ,
by Brian K. Asbury ,
by Doc Quantum ,
by Immortalwildcat ,
by Libbylawrence ,
by Martin Maenza ,
by Starsky Hutch 76 ,
Byth Rok ,
Cameo ,
Captain Comet ,
Carlotta Rivera ,
Ch'p ,
Changeling ,
Christopher Chance the Human Target ,
Citadel ,
Creeper ,
crossover ,
Cyborg ,
Darkseid ,
Darkstars ,
Deadshot ,
Deathstroke the Terminator ,
Debbie Dibny ,
DeSaad ,
Dexter Fairfax ,
Dial H for HERO ,
Doc ,
Doctor Light ,
Dolphin ,
Dominators ,
Dove ,
Durlans ,
Elongated Man ,
Extreme Justice ,
Faceless Hunter from Saturn ,
Fire ,
Firebrand ,
Firehawk ,
Firestorm ,
Flash ,
Forager ,
Forever People ,
Forgotten Heroes ,
Francis Barone ,
Fritz Klein ,
Garguax ,
Garryn Bek ,
Garv ,
Geo-Force ,
Gerta Gim-Ze ,
Godiva ,
Gold ,
Golden Glider ,
Golden Wasp ,
Gordanians ,
Green Arrow ,
Green Lantern ,
Green Lantern Corps ,
Green Man ,
Halo ,
Harry Hokum ,
Hawk ,
Hawkman ,
Hawkwoman ,
Hippolyta ,
Hyathis ,
Ice ,
In-Betweeners ,
Invasion crossover ,
Iron ,
Jack O'Lantern ,
Jane Payton ,
Jasma Kent ,
Jericho ,
Jimmy Olsen ,
John Shakespeare ,
John Stewart ,
Joker ,
Justice League of America ,
Kalista ,
Katana ,
Katma Tui ,
Ken Hanson ,
Kent Shakespeare ,
Khunds ,
Kilowog ,
Knight ,
Kole Weathers ,
Lady Blackhawk ,
Lana Lang ,
Lead ,
Lex Luthor ,
Lightray ,
Lionheart ,
Lodestone ,
Looker ,
Magnus ,
Manhunter ,
Martian Manhunter ,
Maxima ,
Mera ,
Mercury ,
Metal Men ,
Metamorpho ,
Mister Miracle ,
Morgan Edge ,
Moshe Levy ,
Mother Mayhem ,
Nautica ,
Neutron ,
new hero ,
New Titans ,
Nick Stevens ,
Nightwing ,
Nordon ,
Okaarans ,
Olympian ,
Omega Men ,
Oracle ,
Orion ,
Outsiders ,
Paladins ,
Pandora ,
Penguin ,
Phase ,
Platinum ,
Primus ,
Prominence ,
Psions ,
Qatar Hussein ,
Rata ,
Raven ,
Red Star ,
Replikon ,
Rising Sun ,
Rocket Red Brigade ,
Rokk ,
Ron Troupe ,
Roy Raymond ,
Rul Pintar ,
Ryand'r ,
Rynoc ,
Salaak ,
Sapphire Stagg-Mason ,
Scarecrow ,
Seraph ,
Snapper Carr ,
Sonar ,
Sorban ,
Spider Guild ,
Squire ,
Sslithiss ,
Starfire ,
Starman ,
Stealth ,
Steel ,
Sue Dibny ,
Supergirl ,
Superman ,
Superwoman ,
Synapse ,
Takahe ,
Task Force X ,
Tasmanian Devil ,
Thanagarians ,
Tharka the Superwoman ,
Thunderlord ,
Tigorr ,
Tin ,
Tuatara ,
Ultraa ,
Vartox ,
Vixen ,
Volar ,
Vril Dox ,
Vulko ,
Wildcat ,
Will Magnus ,
William Randolph Wintergreen ,
Windfall ,
Wonder Woman ,
Yndamaati ,
Zatanna ,
Zirral on
September 27, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza It’s a race across the globe to spread the word about the JLA’s battle plan for victory! Cameos galore!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Amanda Waller ,
Artemis ,
Batwoman ,
Blue Devil ,
Bumblebee ,
Bushmaster ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Changeling ,
Doctor Light ,
Dove ,
Fire ,
Flash ,
Frances Kane ,
Global Guardians ,
Godiva ,
Gorilla Grodd ,
Green Lantern ,
Halo ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Impala ,
Invasion crossover ,
Katana ,
Kid Devil ,
Knight ,
Looker ,
Maxima ,
Mermaid ,
Metamorpho ,
New Titans ,
Nightwing ,
Olympian ,
Oracle ,
Outsiders ,
Paladins ,
Rata ,
Rick Flag ,
Seraph ,
Squire ,
Superwoman ,
Takahe ,
Task Force X ,
Tasmanian Devil ,
teamup ,
Titans West ,
Tuatara ,
Vartox ,
Wild Huntsman ,
Windfall on
September 17, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza Earthquakes rock the California coast!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Argent ,
Arisia ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Dove ,
Frances Kane ,
Golden Eagle ,
Hawk ,
Invasion crossover ,
Joto ,
Lilith Clay ,
new hero ,
Oceana ,
Polara ,
Prysm ,
Redwing ,
Sarah Charles ,
Titan Seeds ,
Titans West on
August 13, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza Two old female friends arrive separately in California, while Hawk and Dove face a strange menace!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Carmen Santiago ,
Dove ,
Fire-Drake ,
Frances Kane ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Lilith Clay ,
Lisa Morel ,
new hero ,
Oceana ,
Renee Lasaille ,
Sarah Charles ,
Titans West on
July 5, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza Charley Parker’s 21st birthday leads to some interesting discussions! Guest starring Changeling and Cyborg.
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Air Wave ,
Arisia ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Changeling ,
Cyborg ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Jonny Double ,
Lisa Morel ,
Renee Lasaille ,
Sarah Charles ,
Titans West on
May 31, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza The team faces an Aztec god reincarnated, turning a holiday celebration into an all out brawl!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Azure ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Carmen Santiago ,
comic book adaptation ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Marie Granger ,
new villain ,
Sarah Charles ,
Titans West on
May 3, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza Mix an old international threat with Chinatown and Jonny Double, and the Titans West will find themselves headlong in action and espionage.
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Jonny Double ,
Margaret Thatcher ,
Sino-Supermen ,
Titans West on
March 22, 2002 by 5earths .
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