The mysterious abduction of a seemingly ordinary young woman is the beginning of a quest that leads several super-heroes through Southeast Asia and finally into a confrontation with the super-villainess behind it all — Doctor Cyber! Can this local grouping of Global Guardians discover the reason for the woman’s abduction and the thefts of ancient artifacts from a few temples before Doctor Cyber can use them to take over the world? Starring Hikari and Rising Sun of Japan, Thunderlord of Taiwan, and Thunder and Lightning of Vietnam, and introducing Sora the Sky Girl of Japan!
Doctor Mist, an ancient mystic with power beyond understanding, appears before the Justice League of America to team them up with the Global Guardians in order to face super-villains acting on behalf of the equally ancient Conqueror! But even as the two teams work together to stop these henchmen from completing their tasks, are the heroes merely being distracted from the Conqueror’s true goals? Meanwhile, Green Arrow confronts Doctor Mist over why the most powerful man on Earth needs agents to do his work!
by Doc Quantum and Martin Maenza, based on Super Friends #7-9 by E. Nelson Bridwell
When alien twins arrive on Earth warning of a menace from space, super-heroes from all over the world must unite in an effort to save the planet from utter destruction! But can even the combined power of the Justice League of America and the Global Guardians stop twelve super-bombs from destroying the world? Meanwhile, a hopeful young man dreams of being the next big super-hero, but what price will he have to pay? Guest starring the Batmen of All Nations, and introducing Triumph!
Witness a day in the life of the Paladins, which leads to good news, bad news, new beginnings for some — and, for one, a major change in her life! Guest starring the Global Guardians!
As Central City puts to rest two great men who were in fact one and the same — Barry Allen and the Flash — Kid Flash begins to think about his future now that he’s no longer dying! But as Wally West prepares to take on the role of the new Flash in his uncle’s honor, he finds that he has some big shoes to fill! See the heroes of the Justice League of America, the New Teen Titans, and other friends of the original Flash pay their respects to the hero who had been the Fastest Man Alive!
Hawkwoman wakes up in a perfect world, but is that such a bad thing when everyone’s greatest wishes have come true? When the whole world is merely dreaming such a paradise, those dreams can be disastrous! Can the Pinioned Princess discover the truth behind the worldwide sleeping syndrome before the world dreams itself to death? Featuring several guest stars!
When an Alien Alliance stages a worldwide invasion, Captain Comet must rally the troops to defend the Earth! With Australia surrounded by an energy cage, the United Kingdom completely missing, and alien troops invading all over the world, the Rehab Squad and their allies have their work cut out for them, especially when the Justice League is busy dealing with a threat of their own! Meanwhile, can a powerful old enemy of Supergirl turn over a new leaf as a heroine all on her own? And is anyone powerful enough to stop the inhuman killing machine called Doomsday? Introducing Valor, and guest starring the New Titans, the Outsiders, the Global Guardians, the Green Lantern Corps, the Secret Six, and many others!