When Travis Morgan, the Warlord of Skartaris, shares the joy of Christmas with his wife Tara, they unexpectedly receive the greatest gift of all. Guest starring Jennifer Morgan and the Scarab!
A distress call from the planet Angor brings the entire Justice League of America to that planet, to find that the super-villains have overrun the world, and Earth is next in their sights! Can the added might of the JLA be enough to help the Angorian teams the Assemblers, the Triumphant Four, and Gene Factor free that world?
Skartaris is invaded, leading Travis Morgan and his ally to come to the lizard-men’s rescue! But can even the Warlord prevail over a group of trained Gordanian soldiers packing alien weapons? Enter the lost world of the Warlord and learn why only the strong survive in this savage land! Guest starring the Scarab!