by Doc Quantum and Martin Maenza, based on Super Friends #7-9 by E. Nelson Bridwell When alien twins arrive on Earth warning of a menace from space, super-heroes from all over the world must unite in an effort to save the planet from utter destruction! But can even the combined power of the Justice League of America and the Global Guardians stop twelve super-bombs from destroying the world? Meanwhile, a hopeful young man dreams of being the next big super-hero, but what price will he have to pay? Guest starring the Batmen of All Nations, and introducing Triumph!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Aquaman ,
Atom ,
Batman ,
Batmen of All Nations ,
Bushmaster ,
by Doc Quantum ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Club of Heroes ,
Colonel Conquest ,
comic book adaptation ,
Doctor Mist ,
Elongated Man ,
Flash ,
Gaucho ,
Global Guardians ,
Godiva ,
Grax ,
Hawkgirl ,
Hawkman ,
Icemaiden ,
Impala ,
Jack O'Lantern ,
Jayna ,
John Mayhew ,
Josh Coyle ,
Justice League of America ,
Knight ,
Legionary ,
Little Mermaid ,
Musketeer ,
new hero ,
new villain ,
Olympian ,
Owlwoman ,
Red Tornado ,
Rising Sun ,
Secret Origins ,
Seraph ,
Squire ,
Supergirl ,
Superman ,
Tasmanian Devil ,
teamup ,
Thunderlord ,
times past ,
Triumph ,
Tuatara ,
Wonder Twins ,
Wonder Woman ,
Zan on
November 8, 2003 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat, Starsky Hutch 76, Libbylawrence, and Brian K. Asbury, with Doc Quantum The Earth is under attack by an Alien Alliance, as are many of its allies! Across the globe and across the stars, the champions fight hard against the might of these alien invasion forces! And like all wars, there are casualties! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Albon ,
Amalak ,
Amanda Waller ,
Amazons ,
Amon Hakk ,
Amos Monroe ,
Aqualad ,
Aquaman ,
Artemis ,
Atom ,
Atomic Knight ,
Batman ,
Big Barda ,
Black Canary ,
Black Hand ,
Black Lightning ,
Blue Devil ,
Boodikka ,
Bowman of Britain ,
Bronze Tiger ,
by Brian K. Asbury ,
by Doc Quantum ,
by Immortalwildcat ,
by Libbylawrence ,
by Martin Maenza ,
by Starsky Hutch 76 ,
Byth Rok ,
Cameo ,
Captain Comet ,
Carlotta Rivera ,
Ch'p ,
Changeling ,
Christopher Chance the Human Target ,
Citadel ,
Creeper ,
crossover ,
Cyborg ,
Darkseid ,
Darkstars ,
Deadshot ,
Deathstroke the Terminator ,
Debbie Dibny ,
DeSaad ,
Dexter Fairfax ,
Dial H for HERO ,
Doc ,
Doctor Light ,
Dolphin ,
Dominators ,
Dove ,
Durlans ,
Elongated Man ,
Extreme Justice ,
Faceless Hunter from Saturn ,
Fire ,
Firebrand ,
Firehawk ,
Firestorm ,
Flash ,
Forager ,
Forever People ,
Forgotten Heroes ,
Francis Barone ,
Fritz Klein ,
Garguax ,
Garryn Bek ,
Garv ,
Geo-Force ,
Gerta Gim-Ze ,
Godiva ,
Gold ,
Golden Glider ,
Golden Wasp ,
Gordanians ,
Green Arrow ,
Green Lantern ,
Green Lantern Corps ,
Green Man ,
Halo ,
Harry Hokum ,
Hawk ,
Hawkman ,
Hawkwoman ,
Hippolyta ,
Hyathis ,
Ice ,
In-Betweeners ,
Invasion crossover ,
Iron ,
Jack O'Lantern ,
Jane Payton ,
Jasma Kent ,
Jericho ,
Jimmy Olsen ,
John Shakespeare ,
John Stewart ,
Joker ,
Justice League of America ,
Kalista ,
Katana ,
Katma Tui ,
Ken Hanson ,
Kent Shakespeare ,
Khunds ,
Kilowog ,
Knight ,
Kole Weathers ,
Lady Blackhawk ,
Lana Lang ,
Lead ,
Lex Luthor ,
Lightray ,
Lionheart ,
Lodestone ,
Looker ,
Magnus ,
Manhunter ,
Martian Manhunter ,
Maxima ,
Mera ,
Mercury ,
Metal Men ,
Metamorpho ,
Mister Miracle ,
Morgan Edge ,
Moshe Levy ,
Mother Mayhem ,
Nautica ,
Neutron ,
new hero ,
New Titans ,
Nick Stevens ,
Nightwing ,
Nordon ,
Okaarans ,
Olympian ,
Omega Men ,
Oracle ,
Orion ,
Outsiders ,
Paladins ,
Pandora ,
Penguin ,
Phase ,
Platinum ,
Primus ,
Prominence ,
Psions ,
Qatar Hussein ,
Rata ,
Raven ,
Red Star ,
Replikon ,
Rising Sun ,
Rocket Red Brigade ,
Rokk ,
Ron Troupe ,
Roy Raymond ,
Rul Pintar ,
Ryand'r ,
Rynoc ,
Salaak ,
Sapphire Stagg-Mason ,
Scarecrow ,
Seraph ,
Snapper Carr ,
Sonar ,
Sorban ,
Spider Guild ,
Squire ,
Sslithiss ,
Starfire ,
Starman ,
Stealth ,
Steel ,
Sue Dibny ,
Supergirl ,
Superman ,
Superwoman ,
Synapse ,
Takahe ,
Task Force X ,
Tasmanian Devil ,
Thanagarians ,
Tharka the Superwoman ,
Thunderlord ,
Tigorr ,
Tin ,
Tuatara ,
Ultraa ,
Vartox ,
Vixen ,
Volar ,
Vril Dox ,
Vulko ,
Wildcat ,
Will Magnus ,
William Randolph Wintergreen ,
Windfall ,
Wonder Woman ,
Yndamaati ,
Zatanna ,
Zirral on
September 27, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza It’s a race across the globe to spread the word about the JLA’s battle plan for victory! Cameos galore!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Amanda Waller ,
Artemis ,
Batwoman ,
Blue Devil ,
Bumblebee ,
Bushmaster ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Changeling ,
Doctor Light ,
Dove ,
Fire ,
Flash ,
Frances Kane ,
Global Guardians ,
Godiva ,
Gorilla Grodd ,
Green Lantern ,
Halo ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Impala ,
Invasion crossover ,
Katana ,
Kid Devil ,
Knight ,
Looker ,
Maxima ,
Mermaid ,
Metamorpho ,
New Titans ,
Nightwing ,
Olympian ,
Oracle ,
Outsiders ,
Paladins ,
Rata ,
Rick Flag ,
Seraph ,
Squire ,
Superwoman ,
Takahe ,
Task Force X ,
Tasmanian Devil ,
teamup ,
Titans West ,
Tuatara ,
Vartox ,
Wild Huntsman ,
Windfall on
September 17, 2002 by 5earths .
by Brian K. Asbury Witness a day in the life of the Paladins, which leads to good news, bad news, new beginnings for some — and, for one, a major change in her life! Guest starring the Global Guardians!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Bowman of Britain ,
Bushmaster ,
by Brian K. Asbury ,
Cameo ,
Count Vertigo ,
Doctor Mist ,
Dome ,
Firebrand ,
Global Guardians ,
Godiva ,
Jack O'Lantern ,
Ken Hanson ,
Knight ,
Lodestone ,
Mister Floode ,
Mister Fyre ,
new villain ,
Paladins ,
Rod Reilly ,
Rook ,
Tuatara on
August 16, 2002 by 5earths .