by Martin Maenza The team heavily debates about taking care of some long unfinished business! But will they be the trappers or the trappees?
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Air Wave ,
Andrei Szackas ,
Arisia ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Cassandra De Granaco ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Harlequin ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Kestrel ,
Oceana ,
Sonar ,
Titans West on
August 4, 2003 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza While one friend returns home from a visit, another arrives! And, on the other side of the country, one of the team suffers a serious loss!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Argent ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Cyborg ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Harlequin ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Lilith Clay ,
Neron ,
Oceana ,
Redwing ,
Sarah Charles ,
Titans West on
April 4, 2003 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza A post-INVASION follow up to the West Coast Titans team, including a pair of rematches with former foes!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Air Wave ,
Andrei Szackas ,
Arisia ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Cassandra De Granaco ,
Dove ,
Golden Eagle ,
Green Lantern ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Major Force ,
Oceana ,
Sarah Charles ,
Sonar ,
Sudden Death ,
Titans West on
February 14, 2003 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat, Doc Quantum, Brian K. Asbury and Starsky Hutch 76 It was a plan years in the making. An Alien Alliance would finally succeed in invading and subduing the Earth, once and for all. But such a plan could only come about after the downfall of the Green Lantern Corps. Who has the power to strike a crippling blow to the universe’s police force? And as alien invaders come together to focus on the Earth, no one is safe as disaster looms at every turn! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Air Wave ,
Alfred Pennyworth ,
Amos Monroe ,
Andrei Szackas ,
Aqualad ,
Arisia ,
Batman ,
Black Hand ,
Bumblebee ,
by Brian K. Asbury ,
by Doc Quantum ,
by Immortalwildcat ,
by Martin Maenza ,
by Starsky Hutch 76 ,
Carlotta Rivera ,
Cassandra De Granaco ,
Ch'p ,
Chris King ,
Christopher Chance the Human Target ,
Controllers ,
Darkseid ,
Dexter Fairfax ,
Dial H for HERO ,
Dominators ,
Driq ,
Female Furies ,
Fritz Klein ,
Garguax ,
Garryn Bek ,
Geo-Force ,
Gil'dishpan ,
Gold ,
Granny Goodness ,
Green Lantern ,
Green Lantern Corps ,
Guy Gardner ,
Halo ,
Hawkman ,
Hawkwoman ,
Helen Jordan ,
Herald ,
Invasion crossover ,
Iron ,
Jack Jordan ,
James W. Gordon ,
Jason Jordan ,
Jennifer Jordan ,
John Stewart ,
Johnny Adler ,
Joker ,
Justice League of America ,
Karen Peterson ,
Kari Limbo ,
Katana ,
Katma Tui ,
Kilowog ,
Lashina ,
Lead ,
Lex Luthor ,
Lobo ,
Looker ,
Louie the Lilac ,
Mad Harriet ,
Mad Hatter ,
Mad Mod ,
Martian Manhunter ,
Meadlux ,
Mercury ,
Metal Men ,
Mike Tempest ,
Moshe Levy ,
Nick Stevens ,
Oceana ,
Outsiders ,
Pandora ,
Parallax ,
Penguin ,
Platinum ,
Qatar Hussein ,
Robin ,
Ronald Reagan ,
Salaak ,
Snapper Carr ,
Sonar ,
Stealth ,
Stompa ,
Superman ,
Superwoman ,
Tin ,
Titans West ,
Vicki Grant ,
Wonder Woman on
August 16, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza Earthquakes rock the California coast!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Argent ,
Arisia ,
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Dove ,
Frances Kane ,
Golden Eagle ,
Hawk ,
Invasion crossover ,
Joto ,
Lilith Clay ,
new hero ,
Oceana ,
Polara ,
Prysm ,
Redwing ,
Sarah Charles ,
Titan Seeds ,
Titans West on
August 13, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza Two old female friends arrive separately in California, while Hawk and Dove face a strange menace!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Bumblebee ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Carmen Santiago ,
Dove ,
Fire-Drake ,
Frances Kane ,
Hawk ,
Herald ,
Lilith Clay ,
Lisa Morel ,
new hero ,
Oceana ,
Renee Lasaille ,
Sarah Charles ,
Titans West on
July 5, 2002 by 5earths .