On the anniversary of Supergirl’s arrival on Earth, her widower Salkor shares a startling secret with Superman when he brings to Earth a very special child named Jasma. But when the Superman Family has a reunion to honor Kara Zor-El’s memory, are they prepared for other, much darker secrets to be dredged up? Guest starring Superwoman, Supergirl II, Valor, and Powergirl! Also featuring Darkseid and the Female Furies!
Captain Comet discovers the meaning of betrayal when the Golden Glider apparently returns to crime, leading to a showdown with the Flash’s Rogues Gallery, including a new Mirror Master! And as several members of the team are briefly sent to the strange Mirrorverse, only to come back drastically changed, will this chain of events ultimately lead to the end of Captain Comet’s Rehab Squad?
Captain Comet and Rehab Squad finally have their long-awaited showdown with the Enchantress and her Secret Society of Super-Villains, but who will emerge victorious, especially when the Female Furies join in on the fight for their own reasons? And with the double threats of Doctor Bedlam of Apokolips and the space god Moxumbra waiting in the wings, will there even be a world left to save?