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← Firestorm, the Nuclear Man: Cold Fusion, Epilogue: The Right People
Matt Mouser, Ala-Kat-Zam: Wand and Wanda →
Firestorm, the Nuclear Man
Cold Fusion
by Brian K. Asbury
When the hotheaded Firestorm offers to help a team of scientists with an experiment, little does the Nuclear Man know that he may be ending his own career! Meanwhile, who is the mysterious figure calling herself Firebrand, and what has a British spook named Edward Stacker got to do with all this?
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This entry was posted in Earth-1 , Stories and tagged by Brian K. Asbury , Edward Stacker , Firebrand , Firestorm , King Faraday , Martin Stein , Monty Moran the Getaway Mastermind , new hero , Parademons on September 19, 2001 by 5earths .
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← Firestorm, the Nuclear Man: Cold Fusion, Epilogue: The Right People
Matt Mouser, Ala-Kat-Zam: Wand and Wanda →
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