by CSyphrett When the fearsome Kali emerges from other-dimensional exile once more, Martin Martine must become Shiva one last time to defeat her, but only if Captain Marvel can convince him that he used to be a hero! Witness the final fate of Shiva and Kali!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-S and tagged
Adam Frankenstein ,
Books of Magic ,
by CSyphrett ,
Captain Marvel ,
crossover ,
Gareth Gallowglass ,
Kali ,
Shiva ,
Uncle Marvel on
February 2, 2002 by 5earths .
by Martin Maenza, adapted and expanded from Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-10 by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez As the remaining Earths begin to merge together, Brainiac and Lex Luthor of Earth-One have a plan to take them all! With an army of super-villains gathered from all five Earths, they mount a carefully planned invasion of Earth-Four, Earth-S, and Earth-X, swiftly defeating those worlds’ heroes. An army of super-heroes from Earth-One and Earth-Two soon arrive to free the other three Earths, but with the numbers favoring the villains, can the heroes rally to beat the odds? Guest starring the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, the New Teen Titans, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Doom Patrol, the Marvel Family, the Freedom Fighters, and the Sentinels of Justice!
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This entry was posted in
Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Alexander Luthor Jr. ,
Alexei Luthor ,
Aquagirl ,
Aqualad ,
Aquaman ,
Atom ,
Banshee ,
Batman ,
Bizarro No. 1 ,
Black Adam ,
Black Canary ,
Black Condor ,
Black Manta ,
Black Spider ,
Blackrock ,
Blockbuster ,
Blue Beetle ,
Blue Devil ,
Bolt ,
Brain ,
Brainiac ,
Brotherhood of Evil ,
Bug-Eyed Bandit ,
Bulletgirl ,
Bulletman ,
by Martin Maenza ,
Calendar Man ,
Captain Atom ,
Captain Cold ,
Captain Marvel ,
Captain Marvel Junior ,
Captain Nazi ,
Captain Stingaree ,
Cat-Man ,
Cavalier ,
Celsius ,
Chameleon Chief ,
Changeling ,
Cheetah ,
Chemo ,
Cheshire ,
Circe ,
Clayface ,
Clock King ,
Cluemaster ,
Coldsnap ,
comic book adaptation ,
Copperhead ,
Cosmic King ,
Count Vertigo ,
Creeper ,
Crisis on Infinite Earths ,
crossover ,
Cyborg ,
Deadshot ,
Deathbolt ,
Demolition Team ,
Despero ,
Doctor Cyber ,
Doctor Destiny ,
Doctor Double X ,
Doctor Mid-Nite ,
Doctor Phosphorus ,
Doctor Polaris ,
Doctor Regulus ,
Doctor Spectro ,
Doll Man ,
Dolphin ,
Doom Patrol ,
Dove ,
Dragon King ,
Dummy ,
E-Man ,
Eclipso ,
Electrocutioner ,
Elongated Man ,
Emerald Empress ,
Enforcer ,
Eradicator ,
Esper Lass ,
Evil Star ,
Fat Marvel ,
Fatal Five ,
Felix Faust ,
Fiddler ,
Firebrand ,
Firebug ,
Firefly ,
Firehawk ,
Firestorm ,
Flash ,
Floronic Man ,
Fog ,
Freedom Fighters ,
Fury ,
Geo-Force ,
Georgia Sivana ,
Gold ,
Golden Glider ,
Gorilla Grodd ,
Green Arrow ,
Green Lantern ,
Gypsy ,
Halo ,
Harbinger ,
Hawk ,
Hawkman ,
Hawkwoman ,
Heatstroke ,
Hector Hammond ,
Hill Marvel ,
Holocaust ,
Houngan ,
Human Bomb ,
Huntress ,
Hyathis ,
Hyena ,
Ibac ,
Ibis the Invincible ,
Icicle ,
Image ,
Infinity Inc ,
Insect Queen ,
Iron ,
Jackhammer ,
Jade ,
Javelin ,
Jewelee ,
Johnny Quick ,
Johnny Thunder ,
Joker ,
Judomaster ,
Justice League of America ,
Justice Society of America ,
Kanjar Ro ,
Katana ,
Kid Flash ,
Killer Frost ,
Killer Moth ,
King Kull ,
Kobra ,
Kole Weathers ,
Lady Lunar ,
Lady Quark ,
Lead ,
Legion of Super-Villains ,
Lex Luthor ,
Liberty Belle ,
Lieutenant Marvels ,
Lightning Lord ,
Lord of Time ,
Lord Satanis ,
Madmen ,
Major Force ,
Mammoth ,
Mano ,
Martian Manhunter ,
Martin Stein ,
Marvel Family ,
Mary Marvel ,
Masters of Disaster ,
Mento ,
Mera ,
Mercury ,
Metal Men ,
Metamorpho ,
Michael Mauser ,
Mick Fleeter ,
Minute Man ,
Mirror Master ,
Mist ,
Mister Mind ,
Molder ,
Monsieur Mallah ,
Multiplex ,
Negative Woman ,
New Teen Titans ,
New-Wave ,
Night ,
Nightshade ,
Northwind ,
Nova Kane ,
Nuklon ,
Obsidian ,
Ocean Master ,
Outsiders ,
Overmaster ,
Pariah ,
Peacemaker ,
Penguin ,
Per Degaton ,
Persuader ,
Phantom Lady ,
Phobia ,
Plasmus ,
Platinum ,
Poison Ivy ,
Power Girl ,
Psimon ,
Punch ,
Quakemaster ,
Queen Bee ,
Question ,
Radiation Roy ,
Rag Doll ,
Rainbow Raider ,
Ray ,
Red Star ,
Red Tornado ,
Riddler ,
Robin ,
Robotman ,
Rosie ,
Royal Flush Gang ,
Scarecrow ,
Scoopshovel ,
Sentinels of Justice ,
Shadow-Thief ,
Shaggy Man ,
Shakedown ,
Shark ,
Shimmer ,
Silver Ghost ,
Silver Scarab ,
Silver Slasher ,
Silver Swan ,
Sinestro ,
Sivana Junior ,
Solomon Grundy ,
Sonar ,
Spectre ,
Speedy ,
Sportsmaster ,
Squids ,
Star Sapphire ,
Star-Spangled Kid ,
Starman ,
Starro the Conqueror ,
Steamroller ,
Steel ,
Sumo the Samurai ,
Sun Emperor ,
Superman ,
T.O. Morrow ,
Tall Marvel ,
Tawky Tawny ,
Tempest ,
Thaddeus Bodog Sivana ,
Tharok ,
Thunderbolt ,
Tin ,
Titania ,
Tokamak ,
Trickster ,
Tsunami ,
Typhoon ,
Tyr ,
Uncle Marvel ,
Uncle Sam ,
Validus ,
Vandal Savage ,
Vibe ,
Vixen ,
Warp ,
Weather Wizard ,
Wildcat ,
Wonder Woman ,
Zatanna on
December 31, 2001 by 5earths .
by Libbylawrence A group of super-villains from three different worlds converges on Earth-S on a quest for a piece of the Rock of Eternity itself! As Shazam’s Squadron of Justice and the Marvel Family take on these villains in individual skirmishes, will the real goal become evident in time for the heroes to stop them?
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This entry was posted in
Earth-S and tagged
Alexis Luthor ,
Atom Blake ,
Barry Allen ,
Black Spider ,
Bulletgirl ,
Bulletman ,
by Libbylawrence ,
Captain Marvel ,
Captain Marvel Junior ,
Cat-Man ,
Chemo ,
Cheshire ,
crossover ,
Doctor Light ,
Eve Corby Armstrong ,
Felix Faust ,
Fiddler ,
Georgia Sivana ,
Heat Wave ,
Ibis the Invincible ,
Joker ,
Killer Frost ,
Louise Lincoln ,
Madmen ,
Marvel Family ,
Mary Marvel ,
Mick Fleeter ,
Minute Man ,
Mister Scarlet ,
Pinky the Whiz Kid ,
Shazam ,
Shazam's Squadron of Justice ,
Spy Smasher ,
Tawky Tawny ,
Thaddeus Bodog Sivana ,
times past ,
Uncle Marvel ,
Validus on
July 12, 2000 by 5earths .