by Libbylawrence Hawkwoman wakes up in a perfect world, but is that such a bad thing when everyone’s greatest wishes have come true? When the whole world is merely dreaming such a paradise, those dreams can be disastrous! Can the Pinioned Princess discover the truth behind the worldwide sleeping syndrome before the world dreams itself to death? Featuring several guest stars!
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Earth-1 ,
Stories and tagged
Arisia ,
Atom ,
Batman ,
Black Canary ,
Black Lightning ,
by Libbylawrence ,
Diana ,
Elongated Man ,
Forgotten Heroes ,
Global Guardians ,
Green Arrow ,
Hawk ,
Hawkman ,
Hawkwoman ,
Justice League of America ,
Mammoth ,
Martian Manhunter ,
Metal Men ,
Metamorpho ,
Mirror Master ,
Mongul ,
New Titans ,
Nightwing ,
Outsiders ,
Phantom Zone ,
Rainbow Raider ,
Robin ,
Sue Dibny ,
Supergirl ,
Superman ,
Syryna ,
Thorn ,
Vigilante ,
Wonder Woman ,
Zatanna on
December 29, 2000 by 5earths .
This is our legal disclaimer , so listen up: We're fanfic writers, and the stories we've written come from a love of the characters and the fictional world, and they're just meant for fun. All the characters in our stories (except those original characters we've created), are full property of DC Comics or various independent creators who hold the trademark for those characters. At the same time, these stories and all the original characters in them are the intellectual property of both the folks who wrote them and the Five Earths Project. None of us are making any money off these stories, so please don't sue us!