by Libbylawrence The Justice League of America is put to the test as it faces the threat of an evil union of its deadliest foes! It all starts when a new Royal Flush Gang appears, six key JLAers suddenly go missing to be replaced by thugs wearing their costumes, and Atlantis is invaded by an army of the undead! Meanwhile, three new heroes suddenly appear in quiet Empire City, but are they friends or foes? And can the missing Justice Leaguers win the right to return home? Let the games begin! Guest starring the Sandman and the Phantom Stranger!
by Libbylawrence When the citizens of Ivy Town suddenly begin shrinking at random, it’s left up to the Atom and his mentor Ray Palmer to solve the riddle! But what happens when a frightened populace places the blame for the shrinking syndrome on its famous size-reducing hero?
by Libbylawrence The theft of Lana Lang’s bio-ring, which has granted her the powers of the Insect Queen since she was a teenager, marks the beginning of a string of crimes in Metropolis! Superman and the Atom, fellow JLAers, soon find themselves on the trail of the teenage daughter of the late Bug-Eyed Bandit. But is she the mastermind behind these crimes or just a pawn of a new foe? Guest starring Ray Palmer, theoretical physicist!