The Joker: 1981: Tricks and Treats
by Martin Maenza
The Joker and his gang take a road trip to a small town outside Central City to retrieve a valuable prize, but there’s just one problem — the Trickster is already robbing the place! The Trickster soon learns the hard way that you don’t cross the Joker, but will he live to tell the tale?
The Flash: The Funeral of Barry Allen
by Hitman 44077
As Central City puts to rest two great men who were in fact one and the same — Barry Allen and the Flash — Kid Flash begins to think about his future now that he’s no longer dying! But as Wally West prepares to take on the role of the new Flash in his uncle’s honor, he finds that he has some big shoes to fill! See the heroes of the Justice League of America, the New Teen Titans, and other friends of the original Flash pay their respects to the hero who had been the Fastest Man Alive!
Secret Society of Super-Villains: Reclamation, Book 2: Players and Pawns
by Martin Maenza
Fed up with Mirror Master’s delaying tactics, Star Sapphire turns her back on the Secret Society of Super-Villains! But will she find going it alone too dangerous, even when closing a real estate deal? Meanwhile, an unscheduled withdrawal at the Flash Museum in Central City seems suspicious to curator Dexter Myles, even when it’s done by two super-heroes!