Secret Origins: The Golden Pharaoh: The Lost Scrolls of Alexandria
by Drivtaan
In a race against time, Rip Hunter, Time Master, strives to save scrolls featuring the lost histories of times past before the Great Library of Alexandria is destroyed! Accompanied by Egyptologist Dr. Ashley Halberstam, they face the minions of Set until Ashley discovers a staff that transforms him! Guest starring the Phantom Stranger and Doctor Mist, and introducing the Golden Pharaoh!
AVant Guard: 1962: The Case of the Desert Cat
by Dan Swanson and Drivtaan
The theft of a ceramic statuette of a Chinese desert cat from a curio store sparks a mystery that only the AVant Guard can solve! But as Palette and Miss Music follow the trail through the streets of Chinatown, will they survive their encounter with a dangerous smuggling ring? And how does all of this tie in to an ancient Chinese parable?
Men of War: 1914: A Christmas Eve Memory
by Drivtaan
Life in the trenches for a soldier in the Great War was brutal, allowing for no peace or rest. But then the sounds of a familiar Christmas carol are heard from across No Man’s Land one Christmas Eve.
Plop! A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas Travesty
by Drivtaan
Several years after the Third Great War devastated the world, a scavenger is inspired by an old Christmas book to bring joy to children as a post-apocalyptic Saint Nicholas! But when a herd of telepathic mutant red deer trick him into helping them take over the world, it’s up to Santa Claus — thawed out of suspended animation — and his Krampus Squad to save the day!
All-American Men of War: This Old Man
by Drivtaan
For many soldiers who fought for our freedoms, the war never really ends. As the old man called Sarge well knows, there are other battles to be fought, even in old age.
Batman: Season of Hope
by Drivtaan
It’s Christmastime in Gotham City, and Batman tries to come to an understanding with a former enemy as he watches over his family. But can Deadshot follow Batman’s main rule: no killing?
Plop! A Christmas Travesty
by Drivtaan
It’s mere hours until Santa Claus must begin his Christmas Eve journey delivering presents all around the world, and all the reindeer are sick! Who should come to the rescue? Why, none other than Ambush Bug! No, seriously.
Jonah Hex and Scalphunter: 1877: Full Moon Bounty
by Drivtaan
As a well-traveled bounty hunter, Jonah Hex has seen a lot of strange things in his day. But as he and Scalphunter follow the trail of a seemingly ordinary man to the town of Sundown, he turns out to be more than either of them had expected!
Tales of the Unexpected: The Librarian
by Drivtaan
Have you ever wished for the power to rid yourself of all the annoying and rude people around you? Meet the librarian, who has a peculiar talent for helping people become more completely immersed in a book than they would have ever thought possible…
Captain Carrot: The Coming of Carrot Girl
by Drivtaan
When Rodney Rabbit’s sixteen-year-old cousin Carol comes for a visit, he has no reason to expect trouble… until she eats one of his cosmic carrots, transforming her into Carrot Girl! But with the fearsome Solar Squid on the loose, can Captain Carrot handle both this villain and a headstrong teenager at the same time? Or does Carrot Girl have what it takes?
Our Army at War: Silent Night Patrol
by Drivtaan
“Silent Night” is one of the world’s most well-known Christmas carols. But it takes on new meaning when seen through the eyes of an American soldier on patrol one Christmas Eve.
Chowcase: Santa Claws: The Christmas Rescue
by Drivtaan
When Santa Claws has to make an emergency, he receives help from a most incredible source.
Weird War Tales: The Family
by Drivtaan
A World War I soldier finds himself in a precarious situation on the battlefield and receives a little help from beyond. Sometimes family ties still bind, even after death.
The New Dogs: The Alpo-kolips Affair
by Drivtaan
A hero finds himself a pawn in a wager between two opposing forces when OMAK, the One Moose Animal Kingdom, is sent to Alpo-kolips to reach the fortress of its lord and master on a secret quest. But even the fearsome Barkseid dreads what will happen if OMAK arrives, and he does everything he can to keep him away. Guest starring Mister Miracollar and several of the New Dogs!
Substitute Legionnaires: Color Kid: The Color of Heroism
by Drivtaan
Visiting Shanghalla, the memorial asteroid, Ulu Vakk expects to have a peaceful graveside visit like always. But when a group of super-villains shows up in search of an ancient hero’s grave, Color Kid ends up facing none other than the Fatal Five! Can a Substitute Legionnaire whose only power is to change colors take on the galaxy’s worst villains singlehandedly?