Author Archives: 5earths

Secret Files: Galaxo Movie Studios Presents… Chapter 1: A Junior Justice League

by Doc Quantum Return to chapter list The Galaxo Movie Studios on the other-dimensional world of Thraxx, a few years ago: “Well, Jolax? You’ve got my attention for the next ten minutes, so let’s hear it. Mya mentioned you have a great new show — a new dynamic concept in the works, if you will.” . . .

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Showcase: The Sword of Don Juan

by John Reiter
Showcase of Earth-1: The Five Earths Project
When the magical sword of a mysterious, forgotten Spanish hero is discovered by a young man named Raphael Montez, he is transformed into a swashbuckling heroic figure, much to his surprise! The only problem is, what will his girlfriend Camilla think of her boyfriend becoming the living legend and romantic adventurer known as the seducer of Seville? Introducing Spain’s newest hero, Don Juan!

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Showcase: The Sword of Don Juan, Chapter 2: A Life of Adventure

by John Reiter Return to chapter list The lone criminal in the house looked up in shock to see a cavalier flying at him out of the attic. He shoved Camilla Sanchez away and pulled a gun from his waistband. He never had a chance to level the gun, however. Raphael Montez landed on his . . .

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Showcase: The Sword of Don Juan, Chapter 1: Renaissance Man

by John Reiter Return to chapter list “Pfui!” Camilla sneezed, clearing her nose. “This stuff smells like a tomb, Raphael. Didn’t your sister ever dust up here?” Raphael Montez shrugged as he pulled an old sheet off another pile of old furniture and boxes in the attic of his sister’s old house. The attic was . . .

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The Suicide Squad: The Profit of War

by Bejammin2000, Christine Nightstar, and Doc Quantum
Suicide Squad of Earth-2: The Five Earths Project
Arms manufacturer Darius Helstrom has profited from numerous civil wars and military coups in countries across the globe! When Commander Steel suspects that Helstrom is also behind the theft of a top-secret biological weapon he plans to sell to the highest bidder, he is forced to work with his counterpart in the Bureau of Special Projects, which means placing a new, untested super-agent in the Suicide Squad! But who is the sinister figure manipulating events from afar, and what connection does he have to the past? Introducing Mister Marvel, and reintroducing Deadshot’s grandsons, the Trigger Twins!

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Superman Family: Naughty or Nice

by Starsky Hutch 76
Superman Family of Earth-1: The Five Earths Project
Little Jasma Kent and Diana of Paradise Island have their hands full trying to save Christmas from the Krampus, who is punishing naughty children before the Yuletide season! But can even a Tyke of Steel and a Wonder Tot stop this mythological menace?

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Plop! A Christmas Travesty

by Drivtaan
Plop! The Five Earths Project
It’s mere hours until Santa Claus must begin his Christmas Eve journey delivering presents all around the world, and all the reindeer are sick! Who should come to the rescue? Why, none other than Ambush Bug! No, seriously.

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Plop! A Christmas Travesty, Chapter 2: No Witnesses

by Drivtaan Return to chapter list Flash forward to Christmas Day: “I said I was sorry,” Ambush Bug says. “What more do you want?” “Sorry? Sorry?!” Santa is livid. “15,396 reported kidnappings in one night… ‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t cover that.” Ambush Bug tugs on his antennae. “You told me no witnesses.” “You moron,” Mrs. Claus . . .

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Plop! A Christmas Travesty, Chapter 1: Reader’s Choice

by Drivtaan Return to chapter list Santa Claus is at his wit’s end. Christmas Eve is less than a day away, and every reindeer at the North Pole is in the infirmary. “Mrs. Claus,” he says to his wife, “what are we going to do?” “I wish you wouldn’t do that,” she says as she . . .

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Jonah Hex and Scalphunter: 1877: Full Moon Bounty

by Drivtaan
Weird Western Tales: The Five Earths Project
As a well-traveled bounty hunter, Jonah Hex has seen a lot of strange things in his day. But as he and Scalphunter follow the trail of a seemingly ordinary man to the town of Sundown, he turns out to be more than either of them had expected!

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Jonah Hex and Scalphunter: 1877: Full Moon Bounty, Chapter 2: The Werewolf

by Drivtaan Return to chapter list Matt Savage handed the wanted poster back to Jonah Hex, then filled his plate full of beans and sat down. “A couple of the boys said they spotted a feller early yesterday morning that could have been him. Said he was a good sight hairier, not quite as dandified . . .

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Jonah Hex and Scalphunter: 1877: Full Moon Bounty, Chapter 1: Traveling Companions

by Drivtaan Return to chapter list October 27, 1877: In the fading light of evening, a grove of cottonwood beckoned the solitary rider to come into its shelter. At the smallest bit of pressure on its left side by the rider’s knee, the chestnut gelding angled off the oft-traveled path and plodded toward the not-too-distant . . .

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Tales of the Bizarro World: Satan Baby

by Brian K. Asbury and Doc Quantum
Tales of the Bizarro World: The Five Earths Project
Something is amiss this Christmas season on the Bizarro World. Contrary to the Bizarro Code, someone has been delivering presents and bringing joy to children all across the planet of Htrae, all while impersonating that great villain of villains, Satan Claus! Bizarro No. 2 must find the person responsible for this great crime, or the Bizarro-ness of the Bizarro World will be in jeopardy! Guest starring Bizarro-Ambush Bug, Bizarro-Batman, Bizarro-Jimmy Olsen, and many others!

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Tales of the Bizarro World: Satan Baby, Chapter 4: Not-So-Silent Partner

by Doc Quantum Return to chapter list Bizarro No. 2 was overcome by tremendous feelings of joy, causing him to want to hurt the fiend terribly. Trailing the monster at the slowest possible speed, he finally tracked down the Satan impostor to a huge coal structure at the East Pole. It was a glimmering palace . . .

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Tales of the Bizarro World: Satan Baby, Chapter 3: Dawdle Up the Plumbing Tonight

by Doc Quantum Return to chapter list “Bizarro-Ambush Bug! Why you am pretending to be Satan Claus?” The host of the Fly On Wall TV show looked up to find Bizarro No. 2 hovering in midair before him, small bits of concrete and plaster powder falling from his form. “What? Whaddaya want now?” The normally . . .

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